Manglik Upaye

Manglik Upaye Mangalik aspersion is common in Hindu religion. The person with Mangalik aspersion has to consider many aspects before getting married. For such persons, pandit ji has prescribed remedies after intensive research. He has provided remedies to such persons who have not been able to get married due to Mangalik aspersion. Sometimes by donating a particular item or object one can get rid of Mangalik aspersion.

Donating something without knowing its good or bad effects may create problems. To ward off Mangalik aspersion, pandit K.S Paras Manglik Upaye Specialist ji, has advised what to donate and what not. Each colour has its own rays and effect which affects our body and mind.

Pandit K.S Paras Manglik Upaye Specialist ji has also advised which colours of clothes are to wear and which should be avoided. By wearing specific coloured clothes, you can get rid of Mangalik aspersion. Pandit ji has also advised which coloured clothes one should not wear to get the desire effect

Cost For This Is Rs.11000.00

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